Sunday, August 22, 2021



Hello, every one,

Last year, we did not have Summer Courses at Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, UASD because of the COVID-19. This year we did and my students and I wrote about the pandemic. I made a list of 40 subjects related to it and chose one. Then, I asked each of them to choose the one he or she liked best. As usual, we did research and brought all the information we had collected to the videoconferences. After that, we followed the writing process for each paragraph. The result was a five-paragraph essay. The following are three of the papers written during Summer 2021 in my English Composition I class.

I Got Infected By The COVID-19

By Rafael Paulino Peguero

     I got infected by one of the most powerful and deadly diseases of the last decades, the COVID-19 virus. This set of information is important because I explain in details the process that I went through, and readers may identify and act rapidly if they feel the symptoms related to the virus. Furthermore, readers may have an idea of what to do in case they get infected, and be able to take all the safety measures on time not to let the disease develop.

     Before getting infected, I had been taking many precautions since Corona virus is a very powerful and contagious pulmonary infection which has killed millions of people around the glove, and I was really afraid of it. Therefore, I was really careful and I did everything it took not to get infected. I bought tons of sanitizing products and medications to keep my immunology system up. Also, when going out to streets, I always did social distancing and wore a mask at a full time. However, no matter how hard I tried, I ended up with the virus.

     It all began when my wife got very sick; she had fever, a little cough and a headache. First, we thought it was only the flu, but two days later, I started to feel those symptoms but worse than my wife. At that time, I also had lost my sense of smell and taste. After three days with those obvious indicators of Corona Virus, my little son started to feel the same way. The next day, the rapid Covid-19 team came to our house and we all tested positive. From that day on, we started our quarantine and avoided going out unless necessary. Fourteen days later, we finally tested negative and after that difficult time, we survived to the virus.

      As a result of the Covid-19, the sequels were so devastating for me that I felt like if I had the virus even after testing negative. Although my wife was also affected by this virus, she got better within a few days. In contrast, I experienced post Covid-19 symptoms. These symptoms were sort of returning health problems that lasted about four weeks to disappear. For example, I used to feel shortness of breath, fatigue, chest and muscle pain, dizziness, etc., but the worst symptom was the change in smell and taste after those senses came back. It was so frustrating that after three month of testing negative, I still had problems identifying some aromas; some seemed to be as if they were ammonia which is a very annoying smell. The long term effects after the virus were very harmful for me.

     In conclusion, trying to keep away from the virus was the first thing I did; nevertheless, I ended up getting infected and once the virus was on me, I had so many complications; therefore, Corona virus made me feel very frightened because I thought I was going to die, but fortunately, I could overcome it because I took all the necessary precautions not to let the infection take the control. That was the only way I managed to survive.

Santo Domingo 2021

Doctors Work in the Covid-19 Pandemic

By Josmary Diaz 

            Doctors form an essential part of an effective response in the Covid-19 pandemic. They have critical roles in diagnosis, containment and treatment despite the increase of personal risks. In addition, they are always ready to help no matter the kind of care people need. The Healthcare workplace has been challenged, especially for the workers. However, even when this emergency puts all the pressure on doctors, they continue their labor.

            First, the Covid-19 pandemic has increased the duties and functions of doctors. As soon as they receive a person suspected of Covid-19, they put in practice the new protocols provided by the World Health Organization (WHO). First, they have to do a Covid-19 test to detect the disease before administering medication. If confirmed with the virus infection, they must administer medication. They then have to follow up with the progress of the patient and keep the sanitation procedure regularly. Doctors need to apply special skills that most of them developed within the pandemic. In addition, they must keep a record of the people who were in direct contact with the patient. Their duties include double time work periods with different tasks, which also include keeping the patient family up to date with their progress.

            Apart from what has been said, working conditions in the Covid-19 pandemic impact on doctors’ health. Poor working environment affect doctors physically and emotionally. Health workers are exposed to significant risks because of inadequate working conditions, which also puts their own families at risk. Facing this health emergency with poor conditions due lack of bio-safe equipment does not affect all the countries the same manner. The health system has economic problems and deficiencies in infrastructure. It is necessary to make administrative and organizational changes to have a quality system. To improve and have a better work place, the health department needs to invest in public health, infrastructure, and more equipment.

            Above all, doctors have an important role in the prevention of Covid-19. They call people to take measures such as washing their hands regularly with soap and water, avoiding touching their faces, covering their mouth and noses, and maintaining at least one meter of distance among them. It is safer to evade indoor spaces as much as possible and stay at home in order to take precaution. Apart from these measures, vaccines have been authorized and considered to be used for prevention. However, this does not mean that people have to lower their guards. To fight this virus, it is crucial to follow all hygiene rules and reduce the possibility of exposure.

            In conclusion, working conditions have a big impact on the doctors due to the deficiencies the health system and infrastructure may have. Healthcare workers duties during the pandemic have multiplied because of the additional work required to control the disease. One of the most important roles of doctors in the course of Covid-19 pandemic is to prevent the expansion of the virus by letting people know the guidelines for taking safety measures against the virus. Therefore, doctors are encouraged to meet the demand for medical aid in this pandemic. They have made sacrifice and so much is own to them because they are heroes. 

Barahona 2021

Face Masks During Covid-19 Pandemic 

By Danilo Mejía Mena


        Face masks have become the most important tool to stop the Covid-19 pandemic although they have advantages and disadvantages. The function of a face mask is to prevent the spread of the chain of contagion among people. Even though face masks could avoid getting infected, there are a lot of people who disagree. That is why some people say that a face mask is not comfortable enough to wear during a whole day. Another fact that makes people doubt is the difficulty to breathe while wearing a face mask. In contrast, some people think that wearing a face mask during the Covid-19 pandemic is a necessity.


        First of all, there are many types of face masks to wear during this pandemic. Those types of masks are different and made with different materials. That is why they receive different names. For example, Bandanas are worn when people do not have any face masks at home, but the KN95 face mask is the most recommended to wear, and it is mandatory to wear any kind of mask to protect ourselves and other people. So that wearing any kind of face mask will help to stop the Covid-19 pandemic.


        On the other hand, wearing a face mask can cause trouble to the person who is wearing it for a long term. The most people breathe while wearing a face mask, the most they produce CO₂. That is why, when people are talking, singing, or exercising, they do not need to wear them. Some of the health problems are headache, irritation, acne, and dermatitis. Headaches are produced by the attachment of the band around people’s heads. The most common illness that affects people who have sensitive skin is dermatitis as a result of reusing a mask. Also, people’s eyes can be affected by the hot air that escapes from a mask into their eyes. For example, a worker who wears a tight face mask can collapse in a hot climate. It causes heat stress and psychological stress, too. In fact, after accumulating CO₂, human beings can feel dizzy or get intoxicated. If some people maintain their faces covered to avoid risks, they will probably not get infected by wearing a face mask during the Covid-19 pandemic.


        In addition, wearing a face mask prevents people to get infected by Covid-19. Some benefits of wearing a face mask are evaluated by scientists who keep studying about how convenient to wear a mask is. When people are wearing their face masks, they are protecting themselves and those people around them. Face masks create a barrier to prevent people’s respiratory droplets from reaching others. Many studies show that nations that follow authority instructions have been decreasing their percentage of death caused by the desease. For example, The Dominican Republic has been decreasing the number of dead people since last semester as a result of responsible citizens collaborating by wearing face masks and getting vaccinated. The benefit is not individual. That is why it is important to wear a mask at any time or everywhere individuals go. Another example is if someone needs to travel by public transportation and notice that there is a person who is sneezing or coughing, that person will not worry about it because he or she is wearing a mask. People can decide what type of face mask they want to wear. Face masks are the most economic strategy to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

        In summary, many types of face masks have been worn to avoid the Covid-19 pandemic, but many believe that people should not wear a face mask for a long term. However, wearing a face mask will benefit all people around the world. Although face masks are uncomfortable, people must wear them to stop the Covid-19 pandemic.


Santo Domingo 2021

Saturday, July 10, 2021


 Hello, everyone,

In 2009, I had the opportunity to travel from my country, the Dominican Republic, to New Hampshire, USA. I went there to participate in the Summer Writing Institute at the Plymouth State University for the first time. The PSU is a higher education institution located in Plymouth, a beautiful college town in New Hampshire, USA from which I treasure unforgettable memories. Acquiring knowledge on writing and meeting great people during the experience will accompany me forever. Also, it has helped in my writing projects a great deal. A good example is my book El Autoaprendizajede Inglés (The Self-Learning of English).  I hope you all enjoy the images I share here.

Plymouth State University welcomed me to its beautiful campus and I just loved it.

I will never forget the reading and writing journeys in the Lamson Library.

I never thought I would have so great moments at Robert Frost’s house. He is one of my favorite poets.

Here is the University Police Station. They do a good job to guarantee people security.

In many beautiful mornings, when walking from my apartment in the university campus to the Laundromat or the pharmacy, I passed by the Town Hall on Main Street.

Besides the easily noticeable beautiful flora in the area, its fauna is great. This blue jay is a good example.

Squirrels are also part of how varied its fauna is.

Not all was sharing knowledge with other writing teachers in Plymouth. Playing Horseshoe with Sam and Max in Angie’s yard in a beautiful afternoon was part of the cultural exchange that resulted from the event.

Dancing my typical music, Merengue, with my friend, Gret, was another experience of cultural exchange.

Sharing with Gret and Barry at the Thai Restaurant on Main Street was a great part of the Summer Writing Institute grand finale.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

An English Literature Class Analyzes Ropa Cara By Camilo

Hello, everyone, 

This time, I share a summary and an essay on the song, Ropa Cara by the Colombian singer songwriter, Camilo Echeverry. These two pieces were written by my English Literature class student, Lidia Mercedes. They are a sample of our teaching-learning process in the 2021 first semester. In order to get my students into literary analysis, I usually choose a song in Spanish, our official language in the Dominican Republic. I make sure the story behind the song is evident. Later, they explore the song, discover it and tell that story in a written summary. After that, many of the students brainstorm about general topics they think the song is about and tell the rest of the class the reasons for their choices. Right after that, they do the same with subtopics and support their ideas with evidence from the song lyrics or the story behind it. Finally they choose one general topic and three subtopics from the resulting lists and write down a five-paragraph analytic essay.

Summary on Ropa Cara by Camilo Echeverry

     The song, Ropa Cara, written by Camilo Echeverry is about a man who meets a girl on social media. She demands that he wear designer clothes. He starts to dress in expensive clothes for her. He reflects and realizes he is not that kind of person, so he decides to go away from her. 

Essay on Ropa Cara by Camilo Echeverry

     The song, Ropa Cara, written by Camilo Echeverry is about vanity. Vanity is an exaggerated expression of self-pride or feeling of superiority over other individuals. A vain person seeks to be admired by others and tends to have a derogatory treatment with people. Vain people like to show off their successes. They take care of their image in an exaggerated way and show their material goods with excessive pride. They need to be flattered and attract the attention of others as well; therefore, they surround themselves with people who are at their same level or higher. Nowadays, examples of vanity can be seen on social media, since those are means by which individuals can share their day to day activities. Thus, it is easier for many people to pretend to be what they are not, or pretend to have what they do not just to impress others.   

     First of all, toxic love is clearly noticed in Ropa Cara and it is characterized by behaviors that are emotionally or physically damaging to someone. Toxic love damages self-esteem and drains energy. Some of the characteristics of toxic love are insecurity, self-centeredness, dominance, control, and much more. An example of toxic love could be when in a relationship one of the partners tries to change the other to an excessive degree either physically or emotionally. Toxic love is shown in the song when the girl demands that the man change his way of dressing, and he starts wearing expensive clothes to please her. 

     A second issue related to vanity is identity loss, which is described as a process in which a person loses his/her essence seeking self-worth or approval from others. An example of identity loss could be when someone who has low self-esteem gets into a relationship. This kind of person will always seek and depend on his/her partner’s acceptance preventing the real them from being out there. Identity loss is shown in Ropa Cara, when the man forgets the things he is taught at home and starts wearing expensive brand clothes for the girl’s approval, but that is not the one he really is. 

     Another issue shown in the song is materialism and it is described as the belief that money, possessions, and comfort are the most important things to obtain in life, with a disinterest in or rejection of spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values. An example of materialism could be when a person marries another just because he or she is rich. Camilo Echeverry shows materialism in his song when the girl only focuses on expensive clothes, but she doesn’t care about the man’s feelings and values.  

     To summarize the analysis on the song, Ropa Cara by Camilo Echeverry, it is important to point out that vanity is an exaggerated expression of self-pride or feeling of superiority over other individuals. Also, toxic love is a love characterized by behaviors that are emotionally or physically damaging to someone. In addition, identity loss is a process in which someone loses his/her essence seeking approval from others. Furthermore, materialism is the belief that money, possessions, and comfort are the most important things to obtain in life. Camilo Echeverry, through his song, wants to show people the things someone who is in love can do just for the approval of the person he or she is in love with. In my opinion, Camilo made a good point with this song, because it clearly shows that when people seek approval of someone they are in love with, it can cause them to lose their essence, and do things they never thought of doing. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021



Hello, everyone,

At the end of 2021 first semester, the pandemic due Covid-19 still continued. Therefore, my Composition I students and I kept on working online. Since March 2020, this mode of teaching has allowed students from different parts of the country to join the class. This semester, we continued working on the writing project, Historic Houses in the Dominican Republic. As always, I guided my students to do research about a historic house they chose. Simultaneously, they engaged in the steps of the writing process paragraph by paragraph in class. The result was a five-paragraph composition per student. This time, I share one of those papers with you all. I hope you learn a little bit of the history of the Dominican Republic by reading Sandra Batista’s piece. Which part of Sandra’s paper called your attention? Miss Batista and I will feel great if you leave a comment. 


(The Royal Houses Museum)

By Sandra Batista de la Cruz

            The Royal Houses Museum is an incredible place for Dominican history. This Museum is important in this country for keeping part of its past such as the evidence of some events that occurred a long time ago. Much information and antique items are found in this museum like furniture, classical weapons, and many other things. They are displayed in its rooms, so that people enjoy their visit and acquire knowledge about their ancestors and about the origin of each historical item inside this wonderful monument.

            First of all, The Royal Houses Museum is a colonial building and a cultural monument of Dominican History. This Museum was built in 1511 in the Zona Colonial (Colonial Zone) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic by decision of Spain Crown, to hold meetings for military and governmental purposes. Besides, it was constructed with first quality stones to beautify its structure. This house has two interconnected buildings. Onen of them functioned as the palace of governors and the other as a royal court. It is divided into two floors that hold a total of twenty showrooms. The first is made up of different galleries that houses collections focused on discovery, conquest, and evangelization. On the second floor, there is the Audience Gallery, exhibitions on legislation, the Room of Family Life, arms rooms, etc. One curious element is found in this monument, the only shield of Queen Juana la Loca is displayed here. The things that are shown in this museum are related to the history of the Discovery, the Conquest, and the Spanish Colonization of Santo Domingo Island. This place opens from Tuesday to Sunday from 9AM to 5PM.

            In addition, The Royal Houses Museum is very interesting. It calls the attention of the public because of its eye-catching view. It is a really big house that covers a very long area. It has 2 horizontal lines of windows, showing that it has two stories, and it is also unpainted. In front of it, there are some palm trees decorating the area to give a little more color to its panorama. Another thing is that this house has many stains, apparently due to age. Every window is square and visually empty, just the holes on the wall are seen. The same happens to the doors, they look as if they were empty, too. All the windows have the same size, and the doors have a curve on the top. This house has many different geometric figures in its physical structure.

            It is important to note, that the Royal Houses Museum has a very beautiful structure and is well managed. It would not be good to remodel or change it because of its unique design. The people in charge have managed it well so far since they have created a defined schedule with specific hours for visitors to get to know this museum, including schools and university groups. This way, students can have a good experience and also learn about the history of their country, and the uses that were given to this museum in the colonial times. Occasionally, there should be some kind of artistic performances like dances, plays, singing, and others. All these could be done with the intention of attracting the attention of the public and making this place a little more interesting. These dynamic activities would help not only the guided excursions, but also give life to the historical events that occurred in this place in the past.

            To summarize, an extensive history is preserved in the the Royal Houses Museum. The whole place is unique. Also, people can enjoy different attractions in the entire monument. It is highly important to learn about the events of the past and much more this beautiful building offers.

San Francisco de Macorís 2021


Tuesday, January 12, 2021



Hello, everyone,

I had a very small Composition I class. Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, classes have been held on line at the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo since March last year. Besides studying material on writing, my students and I worked on a writing project entitled HISTORIC DOMINICAN HOUSES. Previous to the semester start, I went into the Internet and made a collection of pictures with Dominican historic houses I found there. Then each student chose the one he or she liked. In order to write each paragraph, they did research about several aspects of the houses they had chosen. In class, I guided them to generate ideas by quick writing. After they had put in paper all the information they had in mind about each particular aspect of the houses, we continued with the writing process until each paragraph was ready to be typed. The result was an original composition about that particular house they had chosen. Now, I am sharing the compositions two of my students wrote. Do not hesitate and write a comment telling about which of the houses calls your attention the most. You could also tell us about your impressions about the information shared about the houses and the heroes they belonged to. My students and I hope you enjoy these compositions.   

                                MÁXIMO GOMEZ ‘S HOUSE IN BANÍ

By Briandy Polanco

          Máximo Gomez's house in Baní is a place where people can learn about the hero’s life. Also, it was made like the house of his childhood. Because of that, the house shows where General Gomez spent most of his lifetime. The house is important because of its historical value.

           First of all, Máximo Gomez's house tells important information about his life. It was inaugurated on November 18th, 2016 to celebrate his birth anniversary. The house was designed by Fermio Mejia who made a design similar to General Gomez’s mother's house. It is located in Baní, Dominican Republic.

           In addition, Máximo Gomez's house is an interesting place. It has three blue windows which are painted beige on their edges. There are also two doors the same color and style. In front of the house, there is a big entrance and a beautiful garden. The house is made of wood and its roof is made with cana (simple palm leave with fan shape). It is antique and it has a fresh look.

             Reflecting about Máximo Gomez’s house is a gratifying experience. By observing the house, people can appreciate its architectural structure and view. Another reason why people like it is because it is very different from houses nowadays. The house is serving its purpose because it is a famous monument. There are some things that should be renewed such as the walls and the roof. Visiting that awesome place is a great idea.

             In conclusion, Máximo Gomez’s house is located in Baní at the park that bears his name. It is a replica of the house where the liberator was born. Besides historical objects, people see the nationalist spirit that characterized him and that every Dominican should possess. Walking in the hallways in the house, people can notice that there is a piece of the General’s heart on each wall. Dominicans and foreigners cannot miss the wonderful experience of visiting that place when they go to Baní. Máximo Gomez’s house is a Journey along his life and his important contribution to history. 


By Fior Encarnación

The Mirabal Sisters House Museum is a beautiful place covered with Patria, Minerva, and Maria Teresa Mirabal's memories. It is considered very important because it is a source of amazing human values. This Dominican house is remarkable due to it reflects Dominican women’s courage. It is a place where people can remember and keep the Mirabal sisters' patriotism alive.

Moreover, the Mirabal Sisters’ house shows interesting information. It was built in 1954 in Salcedo, Dominican Republic. This was the house where the Mirabal sisters spent the last ten months before their murder on November 25th,1960. On December 8th, it was formally established as a museum. The house maintains its original design and has only undergone modifications on the floors, ceiling and kitchen. On November 25th, 2000, the remains of the Mirabal sisters and Manolo Tavares Justo, Minerva’s husband, were transferred to the pantheon erected in the garden, which was designed by the architect Rodolfo Pou. The place has four areas: the museum, the kitchen with a typical wood stove, and the administrative area, which includes a library and a cafeteria. This house has three rooms, in which visitors have the opportunity to appreciate the work made by Patria with her sewing machine.

Also, the Mirabal Sisters House Museum is an interesting house. It has a big garden with beautiful red flowers. On the top of the house, people can see a Dominican flag. It has two big doors and outside the house, there are two white benches where people can sit and enjoy the view. Also, the house is surrounded by many trees like coconut trees and others.

In addition, the Mirabal Sisters  House Museum has a positive influence on Dominicans. People like this house because it is a place where women’s values stand out. It is a treasure for Dominicans. It is a place where people who like history go and enjoy the story of Mirabal Sisters' lives. Since this is a peaceful place, they can go there with their families. Each part of this house tells something interesting about those Dominican heroines. The political participation of the Butterflies (their nickname), one of the most interesting historical events in the Dominican Republic and all over the world, covers the house. People consider that the Mirabal Sisters House Museum is one of the most beautiful houses. Students from all over the country are taken there. They really have a good time in the house. These are many reasons that make the Mirabal Sisters’ home remarkable.

To sum up, the Mirabal Sisters House Museum shows the Mirabal Sisters' most relevant aspects and was established as a museum due to its great influence and importance in Dominican society. It is a beautiful and cozy house, which has details and qualities that make it unique and incomparable. It is like a chest that contains the feelings, tears, and happy moments that characterized the Butterflies. These have permitted their memories to remain intact in Dominican society. It tells the world that values are the most important because they are part of people’s identity.

Santo Domingo 2021


Hello, everyone,  During the summer of 2023, my English Composition I class wrote about their favorite places. Here are four of their best p...