This summer, my English Composition students
and I are very busy. We are working on Subway Heroes and Heroines, our
writing project. This time, my student writers are doing research and writing about the
heroes and heroines Santo Domingo Metro Stations have been named after. Are you ready to take a ride? Take a little
taste of what you will experience at the end of our Summer English Composition
Course. That will be right here on Eteach and Elearn.
This is my Summer 2019 English Composition Class at the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, UASD in the Dominican Republic.
A train arriving at one of the stations
This is Mamá Tingó station, the Eastern last destination.
Take a look at Centro de los Heroes station, the Southern last destination.
Juan Pablo Duarte is the central station. Here, users transfer from Line 1 to Line 2 or vice-versa.
This is the Northern last station. It was named after María Montés.
Concepción Bona station is the last destination to the East of Santo Domingo City.
Here, the writers are working hard for you to learn a lot of different things about the Subway Heroes and Heroines.
Santo Domingo 2019